
HerGivenHair Kinky Drawstring Ponytail Review

I rarely talk about hair on my blog or YouTube channel, but recently I’ve received a ton of questions on how I do my various hairstyles. (Though I’ve talked about it once in this post.) For the most part my hair is in a protective style, because I haven’t mastered the art of making time to do my hair. Today I’m sharing how I achieve my go to summer hairstyle, which is a high puff. You’ve probably seen it on my Instagram page. Maybe you even thought it was completely my own hair. But I achieved that hair look with the help of the HerGivenHair Kinky Drawstring Ponytail.

HerGivenHair Kinky Drawstring Ponytail

HerGivenHair Kinky Drawstring Ponytail

For a step by step tutorial and my thoughts on how this HerGivenHair Kinky Drawstring Ponytail is holding up after a year of use, check out this video on my Youtube Channel. (And while you’re at it, be sure to subscribe!) If you watch the video, you’ll see at the the start what my own hair looks like in a puff. Of course I could and sometimes do just use my own hair to achieve a high puff look, but I haven’t for a couple of reasons. For one, I have A LOT of split ends that I’m waiting to have professionally trimmed once natural hair salons open back up. I do have a pair of hair scissors to cut them myself, but it’s gotten to the point where I think I’m going to need a serious haircut, so I’d rather have that professionally done. Second, it’s significantly less time consuming to use this ponytail. It takes no more than 10 min to achieve a hair puff that I want. With my natural hair I’d have to find that perfect balance of the right product, water, and “day after twist out” to get what I want. That being said, check out the video!

“But even the hairs of your head are all numbered.” Matthew 10:30


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