Beauty, Lifestyle

June Q & A: Foundation Faves, Summer Internship, Fitness & More!

Back in April I started what would be bi-monthly Q&A’s on the blog, and I’m back with another one for the month of June. There’s no further introduction needed, so let’s get into it.

Blogging & Content Creation 

How do you blog while also in law school?

Great question. I have a blog post giving an in-depth answer to this question. The short version is I make sacrifices and work to manage my time. But you can find the long answer here.

What pushed you to be a creative and when did you actually make that decision 

#EniGivenSunday really all started by chance, and by chance I really mean God’s grace. I started taking weekly pictures of my church outfits the year I moved back home post-grad. I used to call them my #sundaystyle posts, but a friend gave me the hashtag #EniGivenSunday and I ran with it. I set a personal goal that after a year of these weekly posts on Instagram, I would turn my platform into something more. That’s how I settled on starting a blog. All of that is to say that when it all started, I really didn’t have the goal of becoming a creative, or working with brands. I also think it’s very symbolic that this all started with me going back home, not only to New York, but back to church more consistently and back to a deeper relationship with God. I talk more about this in my first blog post, “The Meaning of Sunday”.

When are you doing another giveaway?

The plan is to host another one when I hit 10k followers on Instagram!


What are you favorite oil-free foundations?/What are your top foundations?

I’ve shared my top five foundations a very long time ago in this post. However, I’d make a few changes to this list. Lancome , Too Faced, and Estee Lauder’s foundation definitely stay. However, I’d add Pat Mcgrath, Mented Cosmetics, and Fenty Hydrating Foundations to this list. It’s truly a coincidence that all of these additions happened to be Black owned, but I guess that speaks to how the landscape has changed in the time since I made my original post! I believe most, if not all, of these foundations are oil free. For a drugstore pick, I’d go with Maybelline Super Stay Foundation

Law School & Career

What are you doing during your internship?

I’m currently working as a summer associate at a litigation firm. I’m about a month into the program and so far, I’ve been working on a lot of research assignments (so yes, your first year legal research and writing course does matter) and occasionally turning that research into memos. Additionally, because the firm I’m at is a trial firm, I’ve been able to observe virtual hearings, oral arguments, and depositions as well as dial into client calls. As you can imagine, I can’t go into any more detail on the specifics, but it’s definitely been an enjoyable and eye-opening experience.

How corporate are you dressing for remote work?

Throwback to when I asked for recommendations of places to buy workwear. Much has changed since then thanks to COIVID. The short answer to this question is not corporate at all. For the most part, I spend my days working without seeing anyone else. I’ve had a number of virtual meetings and coffee chats, but I followed the lead of other attorneys who were usually dressed casually in a t shirt. Besides the first day of my internship when I wasn’t sure of what the dress code was, and also when I wanted to make a good impression, I haven’t worn true corporate or business attire.


How do we start getting fit?

I’m still probably one of the last people you should ask that question, because I too am on a perpetual journey to get “fit.” My best advice would be to make gradual changes to your diet and workout routine. These changes should be sustainable! Don’t cut out food you know you really love, or suddenly go vegan tomorrow, if you know you’ll be back to where you are now in a week. Gradual changes might look like increasing the number of days a week you work out, or adding low impact workouts like a walk into your routine. It could also look like adding more veggies to your meals. I’m really not an expert on these things so that’s just my take on it, but as always, I suggest playing around to find what works best for you!

What advice do you have for feeling unattractive and overcoming that?

There are plenty of times when I have felt not too confident in my appearance. From my weight to the state of my skin, I also deal with insecurities, as I’m pretty sure most people do, especially as a content creator. That being said, when I’m in those moments when I lack confidence, first I pray. God is the solution to any of my problems, big or small, and confidence is not exempt from that. First and foremost, I ask that God to help me see myself the way He sees me. I remind myself of His word that He created me in His own image (Genesis 1:27), I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) and that I am the one who He has especially created (the translation of my full name, Enioluwada).

I also take intentional steps to breathe, step away from social media if needed, and do something—like going on a walk—to clear my head so that I don’t get consumed in unnecessary thoughts of comparison or self deprecation.

How did you deal with the fear of the future when finishing undergrad?

I’m not sure I can say that I definitively had a fear of the future once I finished undergrad. Perhaps those feelings crept in as I was going through the application process for law school. Similar to my answer to the previous question, and generally how I would approach any feelings of fear in general: I’d pray. Additionally, I take some time to think of all the good things that God has done for me, remind myself of all the times He has come through for me. My whole life is a testimony. When I reflect on that, it’s much easier to remember that I truly have nothing to worry about or fear.

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139: 13-14


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