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Tips For Getting That Group Trip To Actually Happen

This week I am reporting live to you from Jaco, Costa Rica. And I got the whole team with me. Ok, I’m obviously being dramatic because I’m super excited that I’m on my first ever LARGE  group trip. We all know how much of a big deal it is when group trips that have been mere thoughts for years, actually happen. So I’ve put together a few tips for getting that group trip to actually happen.

Be As Specific As Possible 

With your destination that is. You can’t bring the idea for a trip to the table without narrowing down the list of destination ideas to a maximum of 3. You should also have an idea of how long you’ll be able to travel. There is a huge difference in destination possibilities if you have more days to travel. Have a clear idea of the days you have off so that you can pinpoint a realistic and appropriate destination (or destinations). Obviously, when planning a group trip it’s easier said than done to just pick a time and destination because not everyone may have the same days off or PTO stored up. This brings me to my next point.

Work Around An Occasion 

And then start early. Why are occasions the best? Because you’ll always know when they are coming. Going on a trip to for your 25th birthday? Great, you know the date of your 25th birthday from the day you were born and you can pass that info along to your friends.  Holidays are the same each year. Obviously, if you are trying to travel based on deals, this may not be the best method because holidays are expensive and birthdays are set times. Still, it helps ensure that dates are one less thing that you need to argue about when finalizing details. It also eliminates the excuse of “I didn’t have enough time to plan” when you’ve given people 8-12 months notice.

Book With A Travel Group

For larger groups (think above 8 people) it is probably your best bet to use a travel group. There are tons out there (Haywire Weekend, Discover GidiCancun Jumpoff etc), you just have to do your research. I’m currently on a trip with Haywire Weekend. Travel Groups for large bookings are great for a number of reasons. For one, everyone pays individually. There is no hassle of having to send venmo or cash app requests for the AirBnB that one person put on their card. On top of that, the itinerary is usually set. Instead of having to appeal to the opinions of so many different people when trying to figure out activities, all you need to do is show up to whatever is already planned. By the way, next week I’ll be dropping the full tea on my trip with Haywire Weekend.

I will say the downside to using travel groups can at times be the cost. This is not the most budget friendly option. On top of that, if you’re someone who wants a more private trip and doesn’t want to interact with strangers, you may be turned off by this option. Additionally, the dates are not as flexible. Still, if the goal is to finally get your entire crew out of the country together, travel groups are the most streamlined option.

Go Solo

I know this is not what you want to hear, especially in a post about group travel. But I have to give the ever so subtle reminder that you can’t spend your life waiting. Stop banking on people to come with you. If you have the time and the money ready to go, GO SEE THE WORLD! Obviously make sure your destination is safe and accessible, but you really won’t regret solo travel.


tips for planning a large group trip pinterest graphic

“You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.” Deuteronomy 28:6



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