
A Beginner’s Guide To Blogger And Influencer Events

I can’t remember when exactly I attended my first blogger/influencer event, but I do know that there hasn’t been a single one that I’ve regretted attending. Events can be pretty daunting to navigate as a micro-influencer but I’ve put together some tips for navigating events as a micro-influencer or blogger.

Why go?

Although most of your work as a blogger or influencer takes place online, it’s important to make connections in real life. People need to be able to put a name to a face and personality. On top of that, there are a lot of opportunities that arise from meeting people in person and having an interaction to defer back to.

If you’re unfamiliar with these types of events, they’ll usually take place in the form of a panel or have a keynote speaker. Those people will be established in some way in the field(s) that the event is centered on. Afterwards there may be time to mix and mingle with other bloggers, influencers, and brands. Hopefully there will be some goodie bags because who doesn’t love a good freebie!

Finding Out About Them 

There are two primary ways to find yourself at a blogger event. You can either seek them out on your own by doing research, or you can get invited to them. Honestly finding out about these events is probably most of the battle when it comes to these events.

Getting Invited 

Once you’ve got some bearing as a blogger or influencer, individuals and brands may reach out to you directly to extend an invitation to an event. Of course you may be wondering how exactly do you establish yourself as a blogger, check out my previous post detailing everything you can do to get noticed by brands. Just be sure that you have an email address listed in your bio and on your website so that there is a way for people to contact you with an invite!

Seeking them out

But if you really want to go to these events, don’t feel like you always have to wait around for someone to invite you. There are many ways to find out about blogging and influencing events. For one, I started off by searching on Eventbrite. A quick search using the word “blogger”, “influencer”, “beauty” or whatever your niche is might give you a handful of legitimate events in your area. Most of these events should be free registration. If they aren’t, think long and hard about if its worth dropping money for. For larger events with a stronger reputation (think BeautyCon or Pop Sugar Playground) you know what your money is going to. It’s hard to tell with smaller events if paying is going to be worth it. Usually, in my opinion, it’s not.

You can also find out about these events by following your favorite influencers and bloggers on social media. They will usually be asked to speak at events and will publicize it on their own social media. Those are also events you can probably trust if you have to pay for them since you’d be familiar the blogger who will be there.

Side note: If you find out about an event that open to anyone, I strongly suggest paying it forward and sharing it with other people who you think cold benefit. There’s no monopoly on resources and its really frustrating when people feel like they should keep these types of events and opportunities to themselves. Trust me, the organizers of these events would prefer if more people attended. 

What to Wear/How to Look 

There’s usually not a specific dress code mentioned for these events which is why it can be especially difficult to figure out what to wear. My suggestion: wear what you look and feel your best in. If it’s uncomfortable or makes you self conscious, save it for another time. On top of that, I suggest wearing something that’s your signature style and grabs attention. This includes makeup looks to. For example, I love doing my eyeshadow and I typically get the most compliments when I do red or hot pink eyeshadow looks. I’m more likely to defer to those eye looks for events because it grabs attention and may pull in compliments. No I am not fishing for compliments for the sake of hearing them. Compliments can be a great conversation starter if you feel nervous or awkward in these situations.

Meeting People and Making Connections 

The goal for these events are twofold: learning something new or inspiring and making a connection. The learning piece will come naturally usually if the event is in the form of a panel or speaker series. But I struggle the most when it comes to making connections so I’m going to be talking more about that.

Genuinely Compliment Others 

I mentioned this earlier in this post but compliments are a great conversation starter. My only piece of advice here would be to make sure it is genuine. Then take interest and ask questions about where they got it from or how they achieved the look if it’s makeup.

Get Comfortable Self-Promoting

This is a BIG weak point for me. You have to get comfortable coming out the gate saying what you do (blogging, YouTubing, stylist, designer, makeup artist etc) whatever it is. Someone will ask and you should own it. No you’re not arrogant or vain, you’re just stating facts.

Stay Ready So You Don’t Have to Get Ready

Have some sort of way for whoever you meet (brand, blogger, influencer etc) to contact you. Usually people exchange instagram handles but be prepared for service to be bad or your phone not to work as fast. In that case, I suggest investing in old fashioned business cards so that if something goes wrong, you at least have those to give on the spot.


“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” Timothy 1:7


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