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Beauty, Skincare

Face Masks You Should Add To Your Routine

Face masks are staples in my skincare routine. Masks are essentially treatments meant to target a specific concern. They can be left on your face for a certain amount of time depending on the instructions. It can be pretty confusing or daunting trying to understand how and when you should use face masks, so I’m breaking it down for you as well as including mentions of my favorite store bought (as opposed to home made) masks. Here are five types of face masks and why you would use them:

Exfoliating Mask

An exfoliating mask serves the same purpose as an exfoliator: removing a layer of dead skin cells. In doing this, your skin will  feel softer and look bright. You’ll probably want to use if you have dull skin. For more information on the ingredients meant to target those concerns, check out my updated skin care routine.

My favorite: Summer Friday’s Overtime Mask. I use this mask about every other week.

picture of Summer Friday exfoliating mask

Peel-Off Mask

Peel-off masks share the same purpose as exfoliating masks but their delivery is different, and one could argue slightly more painful. They work to remove the outermost layer of your skin to get rid of the dead skin cells and dirt. Some of them also work to unclog your pores. If you’ve used them, you know that removing them can be slightly uncomfortable. It’s up to you to decide if it’s worth the the discomfort.

My favorite: Boscia Luminizing Black Charcoal MaskI used to use about once a week however, since incorporating Retin-A into my routine, I do not use it since Retin-A has made my skin sensitive to harsh peel off masks.

picture of peel-off mask

Clay/Charcoal Mask

Clay, charcoal and mud masks work to draw dirt and out of your pores. They are especially good at absorbing oil from your skin. They are suitable for people with oily and combination skin. Because they can pull out oil from your skin, I typically follow up with a hydrating serum so that my skin is not too dry. Charcoal masks can also work as good spot treatments for acne.

My favorite: Glam Glow SUPERMUD Activated Charcoal Treatment Mask.I typically use this mask once  a week. I love to take it along with me when I travel as well because being on the road tends to clog my pores. 

glam glow mask


Brightening Mask

The purpose of a brightening mask is intuitive: to brighten. Usually they will have vitamin C ingredients and may smell nice and citrusy since that’s what we associate with anything vitamin C. Brightening masks typically aren’t too harsh on the skin but of course it depends on your own skin type and the ingredients in the specific mask you are using.

My favorite: Fresh Vitamin C Glow Face Mask. It smells like fresh citrusy goodness. Seriously, the mask smells good enough to eat and feels like it’s something you’d store in your pantry. I also love this for travel since Fresh sells most of their masks in travel sizes. Fresh as a whole has a really extensive line of face masks for different concerns, so I recommend checking out other masks from them as well!

Sheet Mask

Sheet masks are a wild card because they really can treat any concern depending on the ingredients. Essentially, these masks are pieces of cotton that are soaked in different serums meant to target varying concerns. There are sheet masks for hydrating, clarifying, pore-shrinking, soothing, brightening and so much more. It’s really up to you to decide what you want to use them for. On the down side, sheet masks give you a one time only use, so I typically don’t want to spend more than 3 dollars for a sheet mask.

My favorite: Peach Slices Travel/Hydrate Mask. I’ve spoken about this mask time and time again. It is an all time favorite of mine and I cannot travel without at least 3 to 4 of them in my carry-on. I also use at least 1-2 times a week.

Travel Mask Peach Slices

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“Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.” Luke 12:2


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